Monday, November 8, 2010

12:08 East of Bucharest (2006)

12:08 East of Bucharest / A fost sau n-a fost? (2006)

Genre: Comedy
Director: Corneliu Porumboiu
Starring: Mircea Andreescu, Teodor Corban, Ion Sapdaru

It is December 22. Sixteen years since the Romanian revolution, and in a small town Christmas is about to come.  Piscoci, a friendly old retired man is preparing for another Christmas alone.  Manescu, the alcoholic history teacher, tries to keep up with his debts.  Jderescu, the owner of a local TV station, is not interested in the upcoming holidays.  For him, the time to face history has come.  Alongside Manescu and Piscoci, he tries to find the answer to a 16 year old question: "Was there or wasn't there a revolution in their town?"


12:08 East of Bucharest from director Corneliu Porumboiu took home the Camera d'Or for best debut film at Cannes in 2006.  A quirky comedy that even I, whose only knowledge about Romania admittedly comes only from film and wikipedia, found very funny and enjoyable.


gnjili shepard said...

great camera work/

Anonymous said...

another commuie movie

dee jey said...

greate comedy

Drackar said...

Grumpy old santa is grumpy.

Styron said...

looks like alot of fun!

Jessica said...

Nice post. I gotta check it out ;)

Come At Me Bro said...

I should see this!

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