Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Mutants (2009)

Mutants (2009)

Genre: Horror
Director: David Morlet
Starring: Hélène de Fougerolles, Dida Diafat, Francis Renaud

In a world where a terrible virus has infected the population, a couple is on the run trying to find a safe place to hide.  Trapped by bloodthirsty creatures, Marco and Sonia will have to fight for their survival ...


David Morlet's Mutants is a violent and gory French zombie horror.  I recommend this if you are a fan of zombie or infected stories.  Although it doesn't offer anything ground breaking in the genre, it features some incredible scenery and set pieces. 


Kartoffeln said...

I've not heard about this film before, but it's the kind of movies I like the most. Thanks for the rec!

RXD Gaming said...

Love the mood in the photos, might have to give this a watch.

razortek said...

that's my genre of film :D ty!!

Anonymous said...

another zombie like movie

Touch and Feel said...

Ah, looks like another good creepy movie. Will have to watch sometime as well. ;)

Lossy555 said...

That post made me curious, perhaps i'll watch it the coming weekend.

gnjili shepard said...

great, i love z films. but they kinda sucked for the last couple of years , hope this one changes that.

Drackar said...

Ahh, zombies.

Futomara said...

It really happened

comradejoker.blogspot.com/ said...

whoa, this looks really legit.

Jimmy Volmer said...

nice review

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