Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Tiresia (2003)

Tiresia (2003)

Genre: Drama
Director: Bertrand Bonello
Starring: Laurent Lucas, Clara Choveaux, Thiago Telès, Célia Catalifo 

Based on the ancient Greek myth of Tiresia, a blind prophet who was both woman and man. Here, Tiresia is a Brazilian transsexual living with her brother in the outskirts of Paris.  After she is kidnapped and blinded by a psychopath, she gains the gift of seeing the future.


Bertrand Bonello's Tiresia, is a dark, twisted, and haunting tale.  Certainly one of the most interesting films I have seen.  Backed by excellent performances by the three lead actors.  Unusually yet effectively, the main character is played by two different actors while the two antagonists are played by the same actor. 


Kartoffeln said...

Interesting movies, thanks for the recs!

Anonymous said...

great posts and reviews , i will try to watch this movie really

razortek said...

not my genre :( have u some horror/trash old movie? :)

anon1337 said...

Doesn't look like my kind of thing, thanks though.

River said...

Wow the plot seems really interesting, thanks for sharing these indie films with us.

Home Alone Stoned said...

sounds interesting. tiresias was one badass mofo

Touch and Feel said...

Will have to look into these.

Nerd Life said...

I will have to check that out

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