Friday, October 1, 2010

Cold Fever (1995)

Cold Fever (1995)

Genre: Comedy/Drama
Director: Friðrik Þór Friðriksson
Starring: Masatoshi Nagase, Gisli Halldorsson, Lili Taylor, Fisher Stevens

Japanese businessman Hirata finds himself canceling his vacation plans to Hawaii when his grandfather reminds him of his duty to his parents.  Seven years earlier, Hirata's parents were killed in an avalanche in Iceland.  According to Japanese tradition, their souls will not be at ease until the proper ceremonies have been performed. Thus, Hirata sets out on a journey to the river where his parents perished. Along the way, he encounters many difficulties, tough situations, and odd people in the land of ice and fire. Friðrik Þór Friðriksson's vision infuses Iceland's stark and beautiful landscape with a haunting spirituality.



remzi said...

Never heard of it
Looks good

anon1337 said...

hmmm, looks interesting.

3milelimit said...

This looks visually amazing.. might have to check it out.

The Greater Spartan said...

Looks pretty decent ima check it out !

Stav88os said...

Cool Story Bro!;)

Anonymous said...

i so the moveie and loved it. i recommend to all.

Awesom-o said...

This sounds like a fantastic film-I may have caught some of it on TV once, but I'll definitely check it out.

Ningen said...

this seems really interesting, will probably take a look into it

Dyaitsidyam∂ said...

looks kinda funny in the trailer i googled. nice.

Drackar said...

just looking at the screen shots makes me feel cold..

Anonymous College Student said...

Ill have to check it out.

Austin Da Silveira said...

hmm gonna have to check this one out

BLUERAD said...

Wow. thanks for sharing, this is something I would actually watch...

Thanks for all your great comments on my blogs, i'll be getting a domain soon, learning a bit about web creation, hope you check it out when I get it underway!

Unknown said...

I look forward to it.

The Messy Apron said...

Looks interesting!

i'mME said...

Is it bad that I just shivered??

Quinn Electronics said...

I prefer the heat

marcommute said...

will def have to check it out :)

Anonymous said...

I saw this movie. Needs less snow. Otherwise excellent.

Saryn said...

Interesting premise there. Wonder if it's as good as it sounds.

MIPS said...

This looks like the kind of movie I would enjoy watching. Iceland is definitely quite scenic.

Maquina said...

Too much snow. Do not want

Unknown said...

its a brilliant wee film, stuck in my head nice I watched it when it came out, on a quest to find the soundtrack which i remember being really good

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