Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Carne (1991)

Carne (1991)

Genre: Drama / Thriller
Director: Gaspar Noé
Starring: Blandine Lenoir, Philippe Nahon

The tale of a butcher who takes revenge on a man he wrongfully believes to have raped his autistic daughter.


Acclaimed director Gaspar Noé's first major work Carne, premiered and won for best short film at Cannes in 1991.  It is graphic, very brutal, and employs rapid cuts and a loud jarring soundtrack.  A style that would become his trademark in later films Seul Contre Tous and Irreversible.



razortek said...

great post!

Anonymous said...

intereting pics an post very nice

Anonymous said...

that movie looks absurda , i am really interested that stuff

Quinn Electronics said...

I hope that is a cow steak being eaten

Max Steel said...

So whats with the japanese tho?

Unknown said...


Horse meat.


It's a pretty rare film, the only DVD is from Japan.

Drackar said...

Sounds brutal.

Styron said...

really? might watch it if i find it in my store

kmartsmartsuperstar said...

Strangely enough I've heard of this one. Haven't seen it yet though. Might after this review.

Jimmy Volmer said...

I might watch this too

Nerd Life said...

I like this :)

Unknown said...

looks predictable...

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